This was our fourth session of "Inspiration by Shespires," where we were joined by our guest, Ms. Nina Lekhi, the Founder MD, and Chief Design Curator of Baggit. She is an accidental entrepreneur, who pursued her creative hobby of designing bags for the No. 1 Ladies’ Handbags brand in India. Ms. Lekhi recognizes the fact that employment opportunities for unskilled laborers with very little education are the primary need for the development of weaker sections of the Indian population. Her determination to "Make in India" at all costs is arising out of this primary concern. Through the session, we learned about her life journey and how everything began with Rs 7,000 borrowed from her mother after she failed in her first year of college. She taught us that failures and setbacks shouldn't stop you from believing in yourself and following your passions. We learned the meaning of hard work and all about what it takes to be an entrepreneur. This session was different from others as we got an insight into consumer business. Ma'am gave us some great advice including the importance of "juggad" and touched upon some very relatable examples and thoughtful analogies. We also engaged in discussions surrounding time management, feeling overwhelmed, and how rewarding it is to do what you love because when you do what you love you never work a day in your life. Finally, we were motivated as we understood the importance of inner growth and mental health as well as resilience. We hope by watching this interview our audience, especially aspiring youngsters will gain assurance and will set their minds and hearts towards taking their endeavours forward.